Saturday, June 25, 2011

Interview with Daiki

Daiki is my seminar student and he is spending a semester here at UC Riverside.

MSI: Is this your first time in Riverside?

Daiki: No, actually I was here last year. I participated in the “Kokusai Koryuu Kenshu” in September.

MSI: I remember that. So does that mean you liked the program and decided to return?

Daiki: Yes, I’m now in the Intensive English program. I had writing, grammar, oral—and reading in my first quarter here.

MSI: Did you do well?

Daiki: Yes, I did. And I had classmates from Mexico, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Vietnam and Libia.

MSI: Wow, that was a very international class. Do you socialize with them?

Daiki: Yes, actually I organized a Japanese party at my homestay family’s place. Many students and some teachers came. We cooked Japanese food.

MSI: That’s great. So, please tell me about your homestay family.

Daiki: I have two brothers. My father is from Italy and my mother is from the Philippines. My brothers were actually born in the Philippines and they moved to California when they were kids.

MSI: Do you spend a lot of time with them?

Daiki: Yes, I like my family and always try to spend time with them. We are now on vacation and while many students are traveling, I decided to stay here in Riverside with them.

MSI: What do you miss most about Japan?

Daiki: I really miss my family. I also miss my cousin from Fukushima. I’m always worried about the nuclear waste.

MSI: How much longer are you going to be in Riverside?

Daiki: Three months.

MSI: What do you expect to achieve in the next three months?

Daiki: I hope to become a better student.

MSI: I’m sure you can achieve that! Good luck with your studies and thank you for helping with my group of students every single day.

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